Whether it’s fostering strategic relationships, creating a dynamic SEO plan, leading a branding project, or writing and shooting a video series; my purpose is to connect others through one of our most primal human communication tools, storytelling.

Mission driven storytelling starts here.

About me.

Over the last 10 years, I’ve gone from corporate solider to van life backpacker with camera in tow, to director of communications to remote working content guru. I’m a creative spirit who can tap into an analytical mindset. Show me data, then I’ll use organized trends to make things pretty and tell the story. I excel in community management and connecting companies to their network because I enjoy people and understanding how they think to produce stories that serve them what they need to know in order to connect with a brand or organization.

I’ve been called a creative swiss army knife. From the food and CPH space to ecommerce to wellness, non-profits, and tech start-ups my skillset spans a variety of industries with one thing in common… people.

To learn more about my hobbies, roots in Northern Michigan, what my favorite side job was while working in New Zealand, and why writing, creating, and all things pretty light me up inside see my About page.


Creation of brand style guide in tandem with key community stakeholders and talented team of creatives to guide the process of storytelling.

Development of a brand ambassador program alongside our Programs Manager to help integrate new community members and make them feel welcome and at home.

Worked with local videographer to storyboard, edit, and shoot a brand anthem video to evoke pride, emotion, and desire to be a part of our community.

Researched, designed, and outreached to create a comprehensive relocation guide for those who are looking to move to the Marquette community.

Researched, wrote, and storyboarded the People of Marquette series alongside a local videographer to help capture the spirit and grit of those who choose a Northern Lifestyle.

Through networking and community management I developed local and regional partnerships to spread the word. This included leading sponsorship of the Fresh Coast Film Festival and a feature at the 2022 SXSW online festival through Michigan House.

See my full portfolio here: